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Signature massage oil



Look what my expert aromatherapist has pulled out of her flamboyant hat! Not many of you are aware of this gem I use in workshops to evoke a calm and relaxed physical environment. A signature #mummyyoga essential oils blend. It is tranquility and calm in a teeny-tiny bottle. With every ingredient #organicallysourced this is a product I have previously used with one-to-one clients and in the #BfB workshops. I have never had any left to offer it for purchase. I am only now able to produce this in slightly larger batches for orders.

If you enjoy our lavender eye masks then there is no doubt you will connect with this oil. A few drops rubbed between your warm palms will totally change your physical and emotional state and take you to a relaxed and calm space. Rub a few drops at your temples or even as a gentle massage oil for your baby. Start during pregnancy so your baby will recognise your calm mental space whenever you use it around him/her.

Contains: 100% organic apricot kernel oil and Provence lavender essential oil blended to perfectly balance the strength of the essential oil with its carrier for maximum potency and yet safe enough to be used on bare skin.