The most common type of anesthetic used during labor is epidural anesthesia. Because an epidural numbs the area between your breasts and knees, you may be wondering how you will be able to push your kid out during labor. Some research has looked into whether getting an epidural affects how you deliver your baby. Baby birth prepare, is one of the best practices to prepare you well for delivery sessions. To know about the top pushing positions with an epidural, read this blog till the end.
The Compulsion to Push Epidural Anesthesia
Laboring mothers feel compelled to push towards the time of birth. This need can be overwhelming at times, and women describe it as something their bodies do that they have no control over. Other times, it simply means that pushing feels better than not pushing, especially at the height of a contraction.
An epidural can reduce or eliminate the desire to push in the second stage of labour for some women. This led to the concept of laboring down or waiting until the baby is quite far down into the pelvis before pushing.
Using an Epidural to Push Positions
Due to the lack of feeling, the mother may not be able to assume as many positions after receiving an epidural. This restricts the number of possible positions, which might stymie labor progress.
This differs from one mother to the next. Some women have greater mobility than others, and while this may limit the positions you can take, it will almost always necessitate a lot of help from others. There are various excellent pushing positions that the mother can use with the help of her husband, a doula, labor nurses, and others, including:
- Kneeling and leaning over the foot of the bed
- Semi-prone
- Leg support in semi-sitting
- Supine with stirrups or leg supports on the side
- Squat with support

Pushing Tips For An Epidural
Position Yourself
If you prefer to push up on all fours or kneel, you must be able to get into that position without assistance. It is dangerous to be in that type of upright if your support the people need to physically lift and transfer you. The throne position is another upright position that is generally accessible for an epidural! This is typically simple to support with the bed! Another option is to line up a rolled-up blanket or pillow horizontally against your back, with your torso along one side. If you have an epidural, side-lying is another fantastic pushing position to attempt.
As Needed, Add Some “Oomph”
It can be difficult to feel what is going on with an epidural (which is understandable given how an epidural is supposed to work). We can improve the effectiveness of our pushes by adding some more oomph. Pushing strategies such as gripping the bed handles or playing tug of war can help us put in a little additional effort.
Turn the Epidural Off
Another possibility is if you just CAN’T FEEL ANYTHING: you have no idea when a contraction is coming, you can’t really feel your baby’s pressure, and you will have no idea where to target your pushes… You can request that the epidural be turned off.
Open the Lower Midpelvis and Outlet to Relieve The Pressure
External counter pressure can be used to help create greater room in the pelvis! To open the lower mid pelvis more, use a single knee press or a double knee press. This will assist your baby in completing their rotation and getting under the pubic bone. The second approach is to cook under pressure, which causes the outlet to open more.
Consider “Push a Tampon Out.”
So, if you’re having trouble figuring out where to direct your pushes or it’s taking too long… Try putting a tampon on and see if that makes your pushes a little more effective!
Experiencing Epidural Complications
While an epidural can help you feel better, it also raises your chances of:
Because your muscles are less able to help rotate your baby into ideal positions for childbirth, lengthen the second stage.
- Get an episiotomy.
- Forceps or vacuum extraction are required.
- You’ll need more time to press than you would normally.
- Pitocin, a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin, is required.
An epidural will very certainly have no effect on your ability to push, with the most likely problem being a longer pushing phase. However, many women would gladly trade a few extra minutes of labor for the pain relief afforded by an epidural.
Final Words
These are the top pushing positions with an epidural. With an epidural, you can still be in control when delivering! With placements, feedback systems, and tips to push, you have a lot of alternatives. If you require additional assistance, you can aslo go for the physical pregnancy preparation services. Your team is available to assist you in meeting your child. You can also visit, one of the best platforms, assisting you I all the issues relating to pregnancy. You can approach them for pregnancy services, birth preparation course, and postnatal services.