Why Induction Matters by Rachel Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Induction is one of the most scary, divisive and emotive topic in birth discussion. Women who have otherwise gone through their whole pregnancy without incident, may find themselves considering induction towards the end for various reasons. It is at this point they need impartial, evidence-based advice that will help them make the right decision; not a decision out of fear or experiential guidance from others whose cases may have differed fundamentally to theirs.
Induction, like most interventions in birth come with their own set of risks, safety concerns and concerns for the baby’s wellbeing. These weighty matters mixed with the emotional landscape of a mother nearing the end of her pregnancy can be a difficult space to navigate.
There are many resources out there that can help but till date I found none more comprehensive, clear, impartial and authoritative than this book.
This is one of the series’ gem. I had to consider induction twice in my life. Both my children were born outside the range of “normal” gestation period. I am a scientist by training, so I thought I understood risk probability well. I was surprised at how casual some of the medical professionals were in their communication of risk on key areas of the induction process. Despite all my desire to be impartial to the situation, my motherly concern and fear for my baby’s and my health made the decision-making process very hard and complicated.
It is based on this personal journey where I hail this book as a winner.
The book is well structured from start to finish. The way Rachel starts with a clear explanation of what physiological birth is and how it differs when a birth is induced is what most mothers need to understand at the point of decision making. Rachel’s tone is clear indicating both a thorough grasp of the issues surrounding induction and a deep desire to empower mothers and care givers with the knowledge they need whilst considering such an important decision at a vulnerable time. At no point is induction vilified or made scary for the sake of it.
It’s not just the information in the book that is valuable, but the personal stories are interjected at the right places in the book to give the book a lift from the otherwise dry medical evidence. This is done with care and respect and I enjoyed reading about the experiences of women who like me in many ways had to make some important and hard decisions.
Another helpful aspect of the book is towards the end where Rachel gives a systematic outline of all the points that may be worth incorporating in your birth plan if you choose to consider induction. This chapter is a wonderful way to know that just because you choose induction does not mean the whole of your birth will spiral out of control, unlike what some horror story tellers will want you to believe.
This is the book that had it been around a few years back would have made me more confident in the decisions I took as a new and novice mother-to-be. This book is empowering, non-judgemental, clear and evidence based that is aimed at the non-professional mother/parent.
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