Natalie Meddings has packed a big punch in the conversation of birthing preferences. I would recommend this book for the little simple tips alone if you are considering birthing your baby at home. […]
Book Reviews
Books we love to read and recommend are all in this section. Books on fertility, pregnancy, birth and motherhood are reviewed.
The Birth of Homo
Michel Odent in this book has shown his mastery on the topic of human birth by breaking the very rules he was so influential in facilitating. This is a brave, broad and paradigm shifting book. […]
Why Mothering Matters
It’s a book that’s most possibly been brewing in Maddie’s head for years. Her observant, poetic prose is very endearing to read and absorb. […]
Why Induction Matters
It’s not just the information in the book that is valuable, but the personal stories are interjected at the right places in the book to give the book a lift from the otherwise dry medical evidence. […]
The Whole Body Breathing
This is a visual book with text that has simple instruction-based messages. It works really well. No theory, no preconceived expectations or need for outcomes. […]
Why Birth Trauma Matters
It is written by someone who really understands the nature of birth trauma and can authoritatively talk about it. Yet the book doesn’t read like another dry discourse on trauma. […]
Why Oxytocin Matters
If you are pregnant or a new mother (and you have time to read!), this book will give you a great overview of oxytocin and may even help you structure your decisions around birth and mothering accordingly. […]
Why Breastfeeding Grief and Trauma Matter.
Prof. Amy Brown has shown through her handling of the subject, that she is a light guiding us in this conversation. I love her authoritative tone and how she weaves in a much-needed compassionate position into her work. This new book is no exception. […]