Pregnancy isn’t an easy phase for women as the body changes restrict many movements. Apart from that, several other physical and emotional changes make it worse. As a result, most women feel inactive and helpless. But what if we tell you that there is a single solution for all these problems? Tempting, isn’t it? Prenatal […]
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A great collection of resources on managing your mental health.
Hyper Local Wellness Walks
Just like our physical health, our mental health too needs attention, care and upkeep. There are times in our lives such as pregnancy, birth and motherhood where this attention slips from ourselves to what we need to do as mothers. Despite all my lifestyle changes, theoretical understanding on the mental health issues I was not immune. […]
The Whole Body Breathing
This is a visual book with text that has simple instruction-based messages. It works really well. No theory, no preconceived expectations or need for outcomes. […]
Why Birth Trauma Matters
It is written by someone who really understands the nature of birth trauma and can authoritatively talk about it. Yet the book doesn’t read like another dry discourse on trauma. […]
Why Breastfeeding Grief and Trauma Matter.
Prof. Amy Brown has shown through her handling of the subject, that she is a light guiding us in this conversation. I love her authoritative tone and how she weaves in a much-needed compassionate position into her work. This new book is no exception. […]
Keep me close – Why our jumbo brains are born prematurely.
I talk about how bipedalism and brain growth favoured earlier births. I also touch upon a theory of why we hold an innate existential fear and anxiety that limits us on every turn. […]
Sounds and Emotions
There are many cultures where women collectively sing to encourage the birthing mother to sign along. Guess what singing does? […]
That sacred space you can call your own.
Here I am sharing my personal space with you, in the hope that these real moments in our lives will displace the hyper smooth, hyper finished reality that vulnerable new mothers are subjected to in today’s digital connections. […]
Do you fear meditation?
On average, 70% of adults when polled to see if they would like to do more meditation answer yes, but approximately only 6% of them actually find the time and inclination to engage in it. […]
Making a healthy habit.
Don’t underestimate the power of physical space over your mental space. When you have the physical space to do something, it is more likely you will do it. […]