Today I didn’t stand on my shoulders or head or hands. Today I wasn’t a warrior and didn’t fight anything. Today I wasn’t a beautiful bird of paradise or even a crow. Today I wasn’t even a goddess, oh no. Today our yoga was what we needed, a few deep breaths and a moment of […]
Tag: mindfulness
What can Yoga do for Birth?
Yoga practice doesn’t guarantee you the birth you want, But… […]
Being versus Doing
Spending time on the mat, respecting the body more than the list of mental jobs we have made, is precious for our well-being – as well as strengthening and preparing the body for birth and what follows. […]
The Due Date saga.
So when the cocktail of baby hormones, mother’s hormones start to align, then birth initiates. For some women it starts around 36 weeks for some it could be a little later than 42 weeks. […]
How do we get fat? You ask.
In this story of fatal attraction, there are two suitors and one princess. The handsome hunk is called muscle tissue and the ugly ogre is called fat tissue. The princess is sweet and delicious (even a slice of wholemeal toast eventually breaks down to sugar!). […]
Sounds and Emotions
There are many cultures where women collectively sing to encourage the birthing mother to sign along. Guess what singing does? […]
That sacred space you can call your own.
Here I am sharing my personal space with you, in the hope that these real moments in our lives will displace the hyper smooth, hyper finished reality that vulnerable new mothers are subjected to in today’s digital connections. […]
Do you fear meditation?
On average, 70% of adults when polled to see if they would like to do more meditation answer yes, but approximately only 6% of them actually find the time and inclination to engage in it. […]